Sunday, August 4, 2013

It all starts with a Tweet!

It all starts with a tweet!

A few days ago a former principal of mine tweeted out, "Wondering why we teach math "conceptually" but teach "reading strategies?" What if we taught reading conceptually?" I haven't been able to stop thinking about this. I went from defensive to mad to sad. I wanted to defend my colleagues and myself, "We do teach conceptually! Students have choice in their text. Students choose the "strategies" they want to use to answer guiding questions. Students work with and through each other. But then I realized, not everyone does this. The more instructional leadership responsibilities I get, the more important I see how collaborative teaching really is. We can’t just get mad and say, “It would be great if we could do that.” We need to get out of our comfort zone and teach our students to think on their own- to not need us.

Part of this page will be dedicated to my thinking out of how I am going to help our teachers to teach more conceptually in our reading classes.

I will be starting at <a title="Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction" href="" target="_blank">Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction .</a>

Please share any resources you might have. Thank you in advance! :)


1 comment:

  1. I just nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check out my blog to accept :)

    Life With Middle Schoolers
