Thursday, July 18, 2019



        BOY, beginning of the year- we all know it is an emotional time of year. We are excited for the year to begin, to meet our new students; you can feel the anticipation throughout society. School supplies are on sale, “back-to-school” signs are posted everywhere, and we see references on social media- school is coming! As educators we are lucky enough to get to be a part of the excitement every year. From the smell of school supplies to the first time you walk into your room for a new school year- we love it all. There are so many pieces that have to come into place for school to start; it is always fascinating to see it all come together: classrooms, themes, PD, PLCs, planning, class lists.  I do not know who is more excited to find out class lists-students or teachers. It is a great time of the year!

        As a principal, I worry about my staff’s stress levels. I want to make sure that you are all taking time to relax and breathe while getting ready for the year. Teachers are such a passionate, dedicated group of people, that it is easy to jump in with both feet and find yourself overwhelmed quickly. Remember what is important, remember why you are here, and focus on what has to be done. Look at how you are using your time; is it the biggest bang for your buck? Focus on what is important- the kids. What needs to be done for kids, before they arrive in August? This is what we need to focus on- kids!
What are you doing to ensure that you are taking care of yourself? Are you spending time with your family? Are you balancing your school work with your home life? Are you spending time with your friends? Are you reading for fun? What do you need to do to relax? Find what helps you find peace and do it. Do not overlook the importance of self-care.

       Make sure you take care of yourself! If you are well, you can be there for your team, your students, and your family. You are amazing, you are strong, and you are talented! I am proud to start this year off with such an amazing group of educators! It is going to be a great year.