Thursday, July 25, 2013

Technopalozza 2013

Here are all the teachers from my school that attended our technology conference, today.  We have 62 teachers, a few were here, but missed the pic. In an age where technology dictates how we do everything, I am surprised we don't have a larger crew here. 

I LOVE the idea of our technopalozza, however, I feel we need more leveled sessions. At no point should I be learning the same technology as my mom. I love her, she is very smart, but I am way more versed in technology that she is. I have spent more time helping others. Than learning today....I am feeling for my smart students that are bored during their classes.

Yesterday I learned ALOT, I was able to choose my sessions.
  Doceri is great!! I really want all my teachers to see this app. It is an easy way to flip a classroom, record student's closings, or just presenting information to their class. It is user friendly, education friendly (one license for all computers that can reach it), and attractive. I can't wait to see my campus using this! 

These conferences always get me excited; so many ideas, great new tools, and networking, I hope we keep the momentum going! 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the sessions. I also blogged about differentiating the ability levels. I had fun though!

    Life With Middle Schoolers
