Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Back to School

Back to School

It is that time of year that we are all working to get ready for kids; from setting class lists, organizing classroom libraries, to sitting in professional development in hopes of gleaning a bit of knowledge to help our kids. For me I compare it to the feeling I get at Christmas, the anticipation for what is to come. Every year I feel the same way, I am going to make a difference, I am going to be the teacher that gets that one student to pass the state test for the first time, I am going to be the teacher that gets that student to have confidence in their own skills.

 At the beginning of every year I have the same confidence I did in August of 2004; it never falters and I hope it never does. I know I have “pie in the sky” dreams that some will look at and say those aren’t realistic goals. It doesn’t matter; I will reach every kid! It may look different than it did in 2004. I may not fully attain my goal, but I know I have made a difference, and I will never stop working to help each child reach their potential.

 The only difference is now my focus isn’t just on my kids, but on my teachers as well. My perspective has broadened. I know we have the best teachers in the district, state, country- I have seen what you do, I have seen what you get our kids to do. Now, I think- my teachers are going to reach that student that struggled last year, my teachers’ kids are going to score the best in the district, our teachers are going to help our kids show gains, we are going to be asked “what are you doing that we aren’t?”

Some people say I am competitive. It is true I am, but if there is one thing that I want even more than winning myself is for my teachers and kids to win. Learning is not a Spectator Sport, and we aren't going to let a kid sit by and watch.


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