Monday, August 26, 2019

The First Week of School

The First Week of School

The first week of school brings many emotions for all of our students, staff, and families. On the first day, we had a few tears of sadness, a few tears of fear, and a few tears of happiness. On the second day, students were running into school because they were so excited to come back- it was amazing! On the third day we had one little boy tell his parents he needed to hurry, because the police were waiting on him. J (He loved the high fives.)  We still have a few with some nervousness, but as a whole, you have done an amazing job starting the school year off right!  We are creating a culture where kids are excited to be at school. Take a moment to look at your “One Word” that we wrote in May. Is this still the word that you are using to focus your energy? Is it still your why? Our culture will be set by what we focus on; if our “One Word” is positive and student centered…we will be successful!

I have gotten to read to every class, which is my favorite, and I am hoping to do more of that this week. Everyone enjoys a good story, even the 5th graders. If there is a particular story you would like me to read to your students, please let me know. Literacy is something that I am personally passionate about and I love to show the students how literacy is all around us. One of the ways I do this is to read to them; another way I like to do this is to have them read to me! If I am not on your reward list, please add me! Any student that wants to celebrate by reading to me….I am all in! Whether they pay tickets or grow a reading level- let me know!

We will be starting walkthroughs next week (September). We will be giving the team leaders our look fors this week at team leader meeting. Please do not think we are evaluating you, these walkthoughs are for a few specific reasons:
-          To help teachers grow in their craft
-          To help the leadership of the building gage what professional development is needed
-          To celebrate the amazing happenings going on around the building
-          To help our leadership team see how we are doing on our Problem of Practice

 You will get feedback from the person that walks your room, and we will use the data to help make decisions for the campus and to give suggestions on topics for PLCs. We look for campus trends and make plans on how to coach our campus to be better. New teachers will start walkthroughs at the end of September; they will be looking for specific strategies to help them grow as teachers. Please do not get nervous when someone comes into your room, it is a positive experience! (I know easier said than done.) I have already been very impressed on the instruction I have gotten to see so far, and this was just the first week.

                Monday starts week two, and I know it is going to be just as amazing as week one. I am truly humbled to work with such an amazing staff; you are all talented, passionate, and enthusiastic. It is a pleasure to come to work each day to such energy. Thank you for making Lance great!